How to Create an Online Course Website Within 60 min

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"I want to build a website, but I'm not a developer."

"I am an educator, I am not a designer"

We hear this all the time. That's exactly why we've created this online course for you.

You definitely don't have to be a designer or a developer. All you need is about 45-60 mins of your time.

In this course, we will walk you step by step through creating your brand-new course website from scratch.

By the end of this course, you will feel confident about website building and you'll love the features within your Learnyst admin panel that helps you build a responsive and attractive course website. Here's what we'll cover:

  • Select a simple readymade layout from 156+ layouts in Learnyst

  • Add your Logo, create a menu and add Signup Call to action on your Header Section

  • Customize your body section and link individual courses to your website

  • Display your high-ticket courses on your website using the Embed feature

  • Add social media icons on your footer section and connect your brand with students

  • Add Favicons, update website SEO titles and descriptions

So, as we said. This is going to be a power-packed session, that'll help you solve 90% of your questions about the website builder.

Let's start right away.

Course Info

Created by Vaishak S
35 minutes on-demand video
11 lectures
108+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on January 31, 2023
Subcategory: Online Education


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